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English Department


1. Maung Maung

Non-native Context-specific Difficulties and Challenges related to C.A.L.L.

2. Zaw Win

Analyzing Third Year B.A English Question Papers in Mandalay University of Foreign Languages

3. Ei Ei Khaing

German Adjectives' Capability in Building Objects

4. Myint Myint Thwe

Different Assumptions of Myanmar and Korea

5. Kyu Kyu Win

Mangroves and Its Impact on Environment

6. Aye Aye Swe

Russian Sentence Patterns

7.  Aye Aye Win

An Analysis of Surnames of Chinese People in the Chinese Language

8.  Htar Htar Wai

A Study of English Loan Words and Usages Currently Used in the Chinese Language

9.  Maung Maung Oo

Non-native Context-specific Issues related to ELT & L at Home and Abroad in Both English Speaking and Non-English Speaking Countries from 1960 onwords

10.   Maung Maung Oo

Non-native Context-specific Difficulties and Challenges in Introducing Rhetoric-oriented Communicative Approach to Current ELT & L Practices

11.  Nang Aye Aye Thein

Fluency-based Classroom Activities for Undergraduate Students in Communicative Language Teaching 

  Nang Aye Aye Thein

English in South Africa

12.  Khin Mar Swe

Worship and Belief of the People in Kyaukpadaung Township during Colonial Period 

13. Aye Aye Hlaing

Cultivation of Opium in Myanmar during Colonial Period (1885-1948)

14. Than Lwin Oo

Economic and Social Relations between Myanmar and Germany (1948-1988)

15. San San Nu

A Comparative Study on Japanese and Myanmar Everyday Expressions by Words that should be known by Scholars for Japanese Language 

16. Win Win Than

A Comparative Study of Myanmar-Japanese Consonant Sound Systems 

17. Thant Sin Aye 

A Contrastive Study of Complex Sentences in Myanmar and English 

18. Htar Htar Wai

A Study of Modern Chinese New Phrases

19. Maung Maung Oo

English Proficiency Evaluation of Foreign Scholarship Applicants from Different Ministries

20.  hant Zaw Oo

An Approach to Second Language Teaching

21. Yin Phu Ngai

Teaching German Grammar in Basic Course

22. Sabi, Nan Khan Num

The Comparative study of prepositions in Myanmar and Japanese Languages

23. Chaw Chaw Thu

A Study of Helping Verbs in Korean Language

24. Thida Win, KhinNyunt Tie

A Study of prepositions of Genitive Case in Russian Language

25. Soe Moe Moe

Varieties of Language

26. Kaw Swe

A brief account of Gems extraction in Mogok before 1945

27. Tin Nu Aung

A Study of the Difference between Speech Sounds and Orthography it Myanmar

28. HlaThazin Bo

A Brief Study of the Concept of Metta in Buddhist Literature

29. Kyu Kyu Win

Myanmar's Efforts to Develop Border Areas Since 1988

30. Kay Khaing Myint

A Comparative Analysis of Classifiers that Indicate Round or Circular Objects in Chinese and Myanmar

31. Zaw Tun

Translation and Interpretation

32. Wah Wah Htay

 A Comparative Study of Slangs in French and Myanmar

33. Swe Nwe Hmwe

The Differences of Slound Segments in German and Myanmar

34. Win Win Than, Zaw Min Win

A Comparative Study of Sentences in Myanmar and Japanese (Simple Sentences)

35. Phyu Phyu Aung, Ei Phyo Thu

A Study of Certain Korean Synonyms

36. Ay Zin Win, Htwe Su Hlaing, Tin Tin Htwe

A Comparative Study of Myanmar Terms Relating to Myanmar Cultural Art of Stone Sculpture and the Terms in the Korean Language

37. Win Win Thaung

 A Comparative Study of Structures of Adjectives in Myanmar and Russian

38. Yee Yee Myint

The British administration of Upper Myanmar in the Early Colonial Period (1886-1897)

39. That Yu

Myanmar's Endeavours to Address the Human Trafficking Issue(1997-2010)

40. Nwe Ni Tin

A Study of Parallel Sentence Patterns from Theikpan Maung Wa's Novelettes from the Viewpoint of Stylistics

41. Nwe Nwe Win

A Partial Study of Kamesumicchacara

42. Wai Wai Lwin

Making Elementary Moral Reasoning

43. Zaw Tun  Important Role of Communication Skills Within and Beyond the Classroom Setting 1
44.  Aung Myo Hlaing  Analysis of teaching translation (French into English ) in a third year French specialization class at MUFL 11
45.  Nilar Soe A Study on Polysemous Words in German 25
46.  Lae Lae Swe, Nay Chi Naing Win The Study of the VerbSuffixesin Sentences in Japanese Language 33
47.  Aye Aye Thin A Comparative Study of the Structure of Questions in Korean and Myanmar 49
48.  Ni Ni Shwe A Comparative Study of Usages in Social Dealing between Russian Language and Myanmar Language 67
49.  Soe Moe Moe The Popular Incorrectness in Myanmar Language among foreign Chinese students 77
50.  Yee Yee Myint The British Administration of Upper Myanmar (1897-1992) 85
51.  Hninn Yu Myanmar Political System(1962-1988) 101
52.  Tin Nwe Yi The Foreign Languages Learning and the Problems of Language Identities 111
53.  Khine Khine Than The Four Brahnacariyas And Human Society 125
54.  Cho Mar Soe Thein An Analytical Study of the Nature of Language Transfer in Chinese Language Acquisition 1
55.  Zaw Tun Deviation in Poetry for the sake of creativity. 15
56. Khin Swe Win Exploring Final-Year French Major Undergraduates' Difficulties in Writing a Term Paper 23 
57.  Daw Myint Myint Aye, Daw Ei Ei Khaing, Daw Nay Zin Kyaw and Daw Swe New Hmwe A Study of the Role of Media that Develop the Speaking Skills and Listening Skills 33
58.  Khin Thuzar Myo A Comparative Study of Some Structural Words in Myanmar and Japanese Languages 45 
59. Wai Wai Phyo A Brief Study of Korean Idioms found in everyday conversations  57 
60.  Myo Nein Min The Creative Writing of Background Setting of Peasants' Life in the Myanmar Novels 65
61.  Myint Myat Phyu Sin Maw Improving Listening Skills for Russian Language Learners by Pre-Listening Activities 73 
62.  Thida Soe Illegal Migration Problem and Myanmar Since 1988 83 
63.  Naw San Myint A Contrastive Study of Systems of Consonants in Myanmar and Chinese  93
64.  Khin Than Ni Hiri-Ottappa and Myanmar Culture 103 
65.  Phyu Phyu Thant A Study of Some Logical Fallacies in Reasoning 117
66.  Cho Cho Win Study of Lexical Patterning in Robert  Frost's Poem "A Prayer in Spring"
67.  Khaing Thet Zaw A Study of the Effect of Using the Genre-Based Process Writing in EFL Context of Mandalay, Myanmar 13 
68.  Daw Su Su Tun How to Read a French Novel 39 
69.  Yadana Myint A Brief Study of Well-Known Festivals in France  45 
70.  Htet Ei Ei Maw Improving Students's Speaking Skill through Using Visaul Aids in Classroom Activities  51 
71.  Daw Aye Aye Swe  A Study on the Verb Conjugation of Russian Language 65 
72.  Myint Tun Oo Early Municipalities of Upper Myanmar 77 
73.  Nwe Nwe Htun ASEAN-China Free Trade Area 85 
74.  Naw San Myint The tone system of the West poh Kayin Language 99 
75. Mya Thu Zar Hlaing A Study of the age of appearance of Lokan ti Text and its Organization  107 
76.  Moe Moe Truthfulness as fulfillment of desire in Buddhist scriptures  119 
77. Maung Maung Soe  A Study of the Combinations of the Chinese Characters 1
78.  Cho Cho Win  Patterns of Lexical Choices and Their Effects in Robert Frost's Poem "Bond and Free" 11 
79.  Khin Theingi Tun  The Comparative Study of the Colour-related Expressions Between French and Myanmar Language 23 
80.  Khaing Zar Min Aung  A study of Slangs Spoken by German Youths 31
81.  Myint Tun Oo  Mandalay Municipality in the period of Pyidaungsu (Union) Party 37 
82.  Thet Hnin Swe  An Analysis on Korean Reunification Process 45 
83.  Kyaw Thu  A Comparative Study on the Changes of Verb Forms in Passive Sentences of the Japanese and Myanmar Languages 53 
84.  Ei Phyo Thu  A Study of Korean Derivation by means of Affixation 65 
85.  Thane Htike Ooh  A Study of Politeness in the Myanmar Language 77 
86.  Sandar Oo  Difficukties and Errors Encountered by Foreign Learners of Myanmar Language 83 
87.   Win Win Cho and Hnin Sandar  A Study of Social Ethics with Reference to the Four Cardinal Virtues 93 
88.   hwe Thwe Kyaw  The Significance of "Golden Mean" in Aristotelian Ethics 103 
89.  Mu Mu Khin  The Study of the Usage of Some Phrasal Verbs Initiated with Russian Alphabet 'Ƃ' which Become the Various Meanings 109
90.  Latt Phyu Oo  A Comparative Study on Simple Sentences of Myanmar and Thai Languages 117 
91.   Khin Nyunt Yi  A Study of Chinese Loanwords Adopted from English Language 1
92.   Ni Lar Htun  An Error Analysis of Chinese Classifiers Used by the Chinese Specialization Students 9
93.   Sandar Lin  Item Analysis of English Grammar Achievement Test 13 
94.   Khin Thidar Oo, Wai Yan Min Oo  Language Learning Strategies Employed by Myanmar Students  in terms ot gender  21 
95.   Wai Yan Min Oo  Evaluating the Speaking Exercises in Straightforward (Level 2B) in terms of Task Types 29 
96.   Myint Myint Thu  A Study of French Loanwords Related to Cookery Used in the English Language 37
97.   Myint Myint Aye  A Comparative Study of Business Manners of  Myanmar and German  47 
98.   Ei Ei Khaing  German Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Regarding the Parts of  Human Body 55 
99.   Nyo Nyo Khin  History of the Mingun Buddhist Home for the Aged 65
100.   Myint Tun Oo, Wah Wah Win  A Comparative Study of  Two Administrative Systems of Myanmar: Dyarchy and 91 Departments Administration 73 
101.   Kyu Kyu Win  Myanmar International Collaboration in Combating Tuberculosis (TB) in Mandalay Region (2006-2010) 79 
102.   Sandar Win  A Sudy on the Use of Helping Verb (TE MORAU) in Japanese Language 93
103.   Khin San San  A Comparative Study of  Noun-Verb Clusters of Myanmar and Japanese Languages  103 
104.   Kyi Thar Myint  Teaching Methods of the Polysemous Word 잡다“Jabda”  to Myanmar Students 113 
105.   Htwe Su Hlaing  A Study on some of the Regional Dialects of  the  Republic of Korea 121 
106.   Tin Tin Htwe  An Analysis of Vocabulary and Writing Style in Korean Fairy Tales 129 
107.   Khine Khine  A Study on Grammatical Use of Particles in Myanmar Spoken Discourse 137 
108.   Ni Ni Aung  Myanmar Language Varieties in speech Community  145 
109.   Moh Moh Thein  A Study of the significant parts of Myanmar Pagodas 153 
110.   Maung Maung Htwe, Cho Cho Thein  A Philosophical Study of The Concept of Concentration in Theravāda Buddhism 163 
111.   Thwe Thwe Kyaw  The Concept of Value in Environmental Conservation 169 
112.   Lwin Mar Tin Aung  A Study of the Application of Attasammāpanidhi Maṅgala in Daily Life from the Ethical Point of View 173 
113.   Thi Han Myint  A Study of Slangs Spoken by Russian Youths 177 
114.   Phyu Phyu Win  A Study of the Russian Verbs of Motion 187 
115.   Khin Nyunt Toe  Study of Indeclinable Nouns in Russian Language 201 
116.   Chaw Su Khine  A Comparative Study of Conjunction Usages in Thai and Myanmar 211