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Chinese Department




  • In Mandalay University of Foreign Languages, Chinese has been taught internationally.
  • Today, Chinese is the language spoken by a wide range of population in most of the countries all over the world. In addition, Chinese becomes one of the official languages in the United Nations. It has also been taught as foreign language in some countries.
  • With the fluency of Chinese, we can get a variety of job opportunities in our own region. As Chinese is spoken worldwide, it is more convenient for those who can speak Chinese to travel abroad or tor work in foreign countries.
  • The business firms annually contact the students of Chinese before their final exam for the purpose of job opportunities after graduation. Therefore, there are a lot of job opportunities for being graduated in Chinese.



1. Daw Khin Khin Nyein Tutor 1997 – 1998
2. Daw Sein Sein Kyi Tutor 1998 – 1999
3. Daw Yin Yin Htwe Tutor 1999 – 2000
4. Daw Thi Thi Shein Assistant Lecturer 2000 – 2001
5. Daw Khin Nyint Yi Assistant Lecturer 2001 – 2001
6. Daw Than Than Yee Assistant Lecturer 2002 – 2003
7. Daw Khin Maw Soe Assistant Lecturer 2003 – 2004
8. Daw Aye Aye Mar Assistant Lecturer 2004 – 2005
9. Daw Than Than Win Assistant Lecturer 2005 – 2006
10. Daw Aye Aye Mar Lecturer 2006 – 2014
11. Daw Khin Maw Soe Lecturer 2014 – 2015
12. Daw Than Than Win Lecturer 2015 – 2016
13. Dr.Khin Mi Mi Professor 29-8-2016 - 21-3-2021
14. Dr.Kay Khaing Myint Professor 2021 - 
15. Dr. Khin Hnin Yee Professor  10-9-2021 -21-5-2024
16. Dr. Khin May Cho Professor   24-5- 2024 - Today





1. Dr. Khin May Cho Professor (Head)
2. Dr Maung Maung Soe Professor
3. Daw Htar Htar Wai Associate Professor
4. Dr. U Nilar Htun Associate Professor
5. Dr. Moh Ei Thein Associate Professor
6. Dr. Htay Htay Myint Lecturer
7. Daw Shun Lei Wint War Myint Lecturer