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Daw San San Khin


       Daw San San Khin

        B.Sc (Physics)

        Sports Instructor

        Sport Department

       Mandalay University of Foreign Languages

No From To University, Collage, Department, Training City Level
1. 1993 1993  Basic Education Primary School  Sittway City Primary
2. 1998 2004  B.E.H.S (6)  Sittway City Secondary+High
3. 2004-05 2008-09  Sittway University  Sittway City B.Sc (Physics)
4. 29.6.2019 26.7.2019  Institute of Sports and Physical Education Department  Yangon City Coach Training Course
5. 10.1.2010 6.2.2010  Myanmar Archery Federation  Yangon City Basic Archery Course
6. 10.2.2010 1.3.2010  Myanmar Archery Federation  Yangon City Advanced Archery Course
7. 11.7.2011 20.7.2011  Myanmar Athletics Federation  Yangon City Level(1) Atheltics Coaching Course
8.  9.7.2018 13.7.2018  Institute of Sports and Physical Education Department  Yangon City National Sports Adminstrator’s Course
9.  14.8.2009 26.4.2013  Department of Sport Yangon University  Yangon City National Sports Adminstrator’s Course


 29.4.2013 9.11.2021 Department of Sport Taungoo University  Taungoo City Coach (Sport)
11.  11.11.2021 To This Day  Department of Sport Mandalay University of Foreign Languages  Mandalay City Sport Officer
Visitors: 725