HOT LINE: +95 2 4061124, + 95 9 33039977



Daw Moh Moh Nwe

B.Sc(Botany), PGDE

Assistant Registrar

Student Affairs Section

Mandalay University of Foreign Languages



No From To University, Collage, Department, Training City Level
1. 1997 2002 University of Distance Education Mandalay B.Sc (Botany)
2. 12.9.03 12.12.03 Basic Clerk Traning, Bala(9) ZeePinGyi Training
3. 2009 2010 MUFL Mandalay P.G.D.E
4. 23.9.97 12.10.98 Mandalay Institute of Education Mandalay  Peon
5. 13.10.98 30.9.01 Sagaing Institute of Education Mandalay Lower Divisional Clerk
6. 1.10.01 2.6.08 University of Distance Education Mandalay Upper Divisional Clerk
7. 3.6.08 9.9.12 MUFL Mandalay Branch Clerk
8. 10.9.12 13.7.16 Loikaw University Loi Kaw Office Superintendent
9. 14.7.16 Today MUFL Mandalay Assistant Registrar