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Daw Ei Maw Win

        Daw Ei Maw Win

         B.A (Geography), PGDE  

         Office Superintendent

         Examination and Graduation Section

         Mandalay University of Foreign Languages


No From To University, Collage, Department, Training City Level
1. 1987 1995 B.E.M.S Belin Primary, Middle
2. 1996 1997 B.E.H.S (Kyaukse) Kyaukse High
3. 1998 1999 B.E.H.S (Belin) Belin High
4. 2001 2002 University of Distance Education Mandalay Yandanarbon Mandalay First year and Second year
5. 2005 2010 University of Distance Education Mandalay, (Kyaukse Branch) Kyaukse B.A (Geography)
6. 24.3.2006 4.6.2006 Basic Computer Kyaukse  
7. 3.4.2019 29.3.2023 Mandalay University of Foreign Languages Mandalay PGDE
8. 5.9.2002 31.12.2004 Engineering Department Kyaukse General Worker
9. 1.1.2013 17.6.2005 U.D.E Kyaukse Kyaukse Lower Division Clerk
10. 17.6.2005 10.1.2013 Kyaukse University, Examination and Graduation Kyaukse Upper Division Clerk
11. 10.1.2013 15.6.2021 Kyaukse University, Student Affair Department  Kyaukse Branch Clerk
12. 15.6.2021 Today Mandalay University of Foreign Languages, Examination and Graduation Department Mandalay Office Superintendent
Visitors: 488