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Daw Toe Toe Than

      Daw Toe Toe Than

       B.A (Myanmar)  

       Office Superintendent

       Examination and Graduation Section

       Mandalay University of Foreign Languages


No From To University, Collage, Department, Training City Level
1. 1984 1987 B.E.P.S Shwebo Primary
2. 1989 1996 B.E.P.S (3) Shwebo Middle to High
3. 1999 2000 Shwebo Degree College Shwebo B.A (Myanmar)
4. 19.10.2000 19.12.2001 Shwebo Degree College (Financial Department) Shwebo Peon
5. 20.12.2001 28.2.2005 Shwebo Degree College (Academic affair) Shwebo Lower Division Clerk
6. 1.3.2005 24.10.2011 Shwebo University (Academic affair) Shwebo Upper Division Clerk
7. 25.10.2011 14.6.2021 Shwebo University (Physics Department) Shwebo Branch Clerk
8. 16.6.2021 Today Mandalay University of Foreign Languages (Examination and Graduation Department) Mandalay Office Superintendent
Visitors: 382