HOT LINE: +95 2 4061124, + 95 9 33039977


Daw Shoon Lae Yee

Daw Shoon Lae Yee

           Second Year (Botany)


Finance Department

Mandalay University of Foreign Languages


No From To University, Collage, Department, Training City Level
1. 2007 2011 B.E.H.S (28) Mandalay Primary
2. 2012 2015 B.E.H.S (28) Mandalay Middle
3. 2016 2018 V.O.C Mandalay High
4. 2018 2019 Yadanabon University Mandalay First year of Botanay
5. 2019 2020 Yadanabon University Mandalay Second year of Botanay
6. 1.1.2021   Mandalay University of  Foreign Language Mandalay Accountant-4
7.   Today Mandalay University of  Foreign Language Mandalay Accountant-3
Visitors: 421