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Daw Thidar Htwe

Daw Thidar Htwe

          B.A (Business Management)


Finance Department

Mandalay University of Foreign Languages



No From To University, Collage, Department, Training City Level
1. 1985 1990 No (11) Basic and Primary School Mandalay Town Basic Education Primary School
2. 1991 1994 No (3) Basic Education High School Mandalay Town Basic Education Middle School
3. 1995 1997 No (3) Basic Education High School Mandalay Town Basic Education High School
4. 1999 2000 Mandalay University of Distance Education Mandalay Town First Year
5. 2000 2001 Mandalay University of Distance Education Mandalay Town Second Year
6. 2001 2002 Mandalay University of Distance Education Mandalay Town Third Year
7. 30.11.2006   Basic accounting course Mandalay Town Grade-2
8. 8.2.2000 31.7.2002 Mandalay University of Distance Education (Financial Department) Mandalay Town Accountant-4
9. 1.8.2002 23.10.2006 Mandalay University of Distance Education (Financial Department) Mandalay Town Accountant-3
10. 23.10.2006 15.6.2021 Mandalay University of Distance Education (Financial Department) Mandalay Town Accountant-2
11. 15.6.2021 Today Mandalay University of Distance Education (Financial Department) Mandalay Town Accountant-1
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