1. | Maung Maung |
Non-native Context-specific Difficulties and Challenges related to C.A.L.L. |
81 |
2. | Zaw Win |
Analyzing Third Year B.A English Question Papers in Mandalay University of Foreign Languages |
105 |
3. | Kyu Kyu Win |
Mangroves and Its Impact on Environment |
143 |
4. | Maung Maung Oo |
Non-native Context-specific Issues related to ELT & L at Home and Abroad in Both English Speaking and Non-English Speaking Countries from 1960 onwords |
23 |
5. | Maung Maung Oo |
Non-native Context-specific Difficulties and Challenges in Introducing Rhetoric-oriented Communicative Approach to Current ELT & L Practices |
43 |
6. | Nang Aye Aye Thein |
Fluency-based Classroom Activities for Undergraduate Students in Communicative Language Teaching |
73 |
7. | Nang Aye Aye Thein |
English in South Africa |
99 |
8. | Maung Maung Oo |
English Proficiency Evaluation of Foreign Scholarship Applicants from Different Ministries |
11 |
9. | Zaw Tun |
Translation and Interpretation |
15 |
10. | Zaw Tun | Important Role of Communication Skills Within and Beyond the Classroom Setting | 1 |
11. | Zaw Tun | Deviation in Poetry for the sake of creativity. | 15 |
12. | Cho Cho Win | Study of Lexical Patterning in Robert Frost's Poem "A Prayer in Spring" | 1 |
13. | Cho Cho Win | Patterns of Lexical Choices and Their Effects in Robert Frost's Poem "Bond and Free" | 11 |
14. | Sandar Lin | Item Analysis of English Grammar Achievement Test | 13 |
15. | Khin Thidar Oo, Wai Yan Min Oo | Language Learning Strategies Employed by Myanmar Students in terms ot gender | 21 |
16. | Wai Yan Min Oo | Evaluating the Speaking Exercises in Straightforward (Level 2B) in terms of Task Types | 29 |