No |
Author Name |
Volume Number |
Research Title |
Total Pages |
1 |
Dr. Khin Mi Mi |
A Study on the Principal Causes and the Ways of Developing Different Meanings of Antonyms with Multiple Meanings in Chinese Language |
1 |
2 |
Dr. Aye Aye Win |
New Year Customs of Chinese People Who were Born in Myanmar |
8 |
3 |
Daw Nan San Htwe |
A Study on Some Novels Written by Xu Junquan |
16 |
4 |
Daw Kyu Kyu Mar and Daw Sandar Win, |
The Use of Alliteration and Its Effects in Hopkin’s Poems |
20 |
5 |
Daw Thantar Khaing |
Effective Approaches to Learning Literature perceived by Third Year English Specialization Students from MUFL |
30 |
6 |
Daw Sandar Win and Daw Kyu Kyu Mar |
Improving Reading Comprehension Skills of HRD Students at Mandalay University of Foreign Languages by Using Reading Strategies |
43 |
7 |
U Wai Yan Min Oo, Tutor, Daw Wai Yan Kyaw, |
Needs of Teaching Speaking for Non-English Specialization Students in MUFL |
55 |
8 |
Daw Hnin Hnin Nwe |
The Difficulties Faced by Myanmar Students in Learning French Pronunciation |
62 |
9 |
U Thant Zaw Oo, Daw Nway Nway Ei and U Aung Myat Hlaing |
The most Influential Teaching Methods Used by Myanmar Language Instructors |
70 |
10 |
Daw Myint Myat Soe, Daw Aye Aye Hlaing |
A Comparative Study of Classifiers in French and Myanmar Languages |
78 |
11 |
Daw Nway Nway Ei |
A Comparative Study of the French and Myanmar Table Manners |
88 |
12 |
U Aung Myat Hlaing |
The Use of Anglicisms in French Vocabulary: Principal Causes and Reactions of the French towards It |
99 |
13 |
Daw Aye Aye Hlaing |
An Evaluation on the Current Teaching Methods to Upgrade Writing Skill for B.A. First Year French Specialization Students of Mandalay |
104 |
14 |
Daw Su Thet Paing and Daw Mi Mi Soe, |
A Comparative Study on the Body Language of French and Myanmar People |
110 |
15 |
Daw Yadanar Myint |
Students’ Perception on Learning Business French subject: A needs analysis approach |
122 |
16 |
Daw Mi Mi Soe and Daw Su Thet Paing, |
A Comparative Study of French and Myanmar Metaphors Referred to Animals |
129 |
17 |
Daw Swe Nwe Hmwe |
Translation Procedures of Onomatopoeic Words from English into German found in the Novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone |
136 |
18 |
Daw Win Win Than, AP, U Zaw Min Win |
An Investigation into ʻ Word Formation using Prefixes in Japanese Language |
145 |
19 |
U Zaw Min Win |
An Analysis of Word Formation using Suffixes in Japanese Language |
153 |
20 |
Daw Lae Lae Swe |
The Assessment of Art on Japanese Short Stories |
160 |
21 |
Daw Khin Thuzar Myo |
A Study of Japanese Compound Verbs from Japanese Intermediate-level Prescribed Text |
166 |
22 |
Daw Nay Chi Naing Win, |
A Contrastive analysis of “~tekuru” (come) and “~teiku” (go) in Japanese and Myanmar language |
173 |
23 |
Daw Nwe Ni Win |
First Year Japanese Language Learners’ Attitude Towards the Use of “Memory Free Recall Method” in Learning Kanji |
181 |
24 |
Daw Tin Tin Htwe |
A Contrastive Study of Korean and Myanmar Classifiers Focusing on Classifiers relating to things |
188 |
25 |
Daw Mya Myint Zu |
A Survey Study on Learning Korean Language through Korean Movies |
199 |
26 |
Daw May Myat Thu |
A Study of Traditional Russian Women’s Costumes |
204 |
27 |
Dr. Sandar Oo |
A Study on the Characteristics of Myanmar Literary Essays |
212 |
28 |
Dr. Khin Than Htay |
The Role of Spoken and Written Languages in Myanmar Language |
218 |
29 |
Daw Ei Ei Phyo |
A Study of Eii Kyar Kway’s Satirical Writing Style in the book of Collected articles “My Fellow Writers Who are Still Alive” from Semantic Aspect |
222 |
30 |
Dr. Nyo Nyo Khin |
The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Cultural Diplomacy |
227 |
31 |
Dr. Myint Tun Oo, Daw Moe Moe Lwin , Daw Khin Ohmar Lwin and Daw Sein Sein Win, Daw Thin Thin Lae |
The Emergence of Early Municipalities in Myanmar |
235 |
32 |
Dr. Maung Maung Htwe Dr. Cho Cho Thein, |
Cardinal Virtues as Moral Norms from a Philosophical Perspective |
246 |
33 |
Dr. Nwe Nwe Htun |
A Study of American Hegemony in East Asia after the Cold War |
254 |
34 |
Dr. Khin Pa Pa Aung |
A Brief Study of Pāḷi and Pāḷi Derivative Myanmar Words Used to Name Departments of Some Specializations in Universities, Colleges and Institutes in Myanmar |
262 |